Gadgets That Make Work From Home More Time Efficient

Gadgets That Make Work From Home More Time Efficient

Many of us out there have come to find ourselves in a position where working from home became the norm. This may sound like a great move in theory but keeping things organized at home is a lot different than it is in the office. One thing 2020 and 2021 have taught us is that there is a difference between working harder and working smarter. Cutting out downtime where you can will lead to a more proficient and streamlined workflow which is ideal. Making use of the right gadgets will not only help keep your workspace organized, but your workflow will be perfectly on point. Here are five simple gadgets that will provide you with a better work environment at home to work smarter, not harder!

Block Out The Noise With Bluetooth Wireless Headphones

One thing that will prove to be a major inconvenience while working from home is the noise. It is no secret that children, pets, and even spouses can be rather loud without realizing it. If you don’t have the option to be tucked away with soundproof walls and a nice thick door, you are likely going to experience disruptions. Getting a pair of wireless Bluetooth headphones may be just what you need! Not only will they provide you with noise reduction, but you will also be able to wear them comfortably for hours. Since they are Bluetooth-equipped, you can use them for video calls, music, and more.

Keep Your Phone Ready With A Foldable Phone Holder Stand

You will likely have multiple items on your desk while you work from home and having to worry where your phone is can slow you down. Making use of a phone holder stand will keep it in one spot so you can see it and access it easily. The great thing about using a foldable phone holder stand is that they take up very little space on your desk and provide a place to keep your phone that is both safe and secure. Multitasking using your phone will also be made easy as you will have the perfect angle to see your screen at all times. Whether you rely on your phone as a second screen for your work or you need to use it to be in and out of calls, having a holder will prove to be a great convenience in keeping your workflow going smoothly.

Be More Flexible With A Mini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard


Whether you use a laptop or desktop, the keyboard surface can prove to be constricting. Sometimes it helps to change position after sitting still too long but you can’t be far from your keyboard. Making use of a compact mini wireless keyboard can be a huge help! Not only can you pair this keyboard with your desktop or laptop, but it also works with phones and tablets. You can easily turn your tablet or phone into a secondary workspace for effortless multitasking or take your work into another spot in your office or home with ease. You will be more flexible and less stressed feeling tied down to your desk.

Stop Annoying Your Coworkers With A USB Wireless Silent Mouse

When you are in a call for work, even the smallest sounds can be picked up through a computer mic or phone. This can prove to be even more of an issue on laptops with built-in microphones. You may find yourself trying to adjust your sound and mic which wastes precious time. One sounds most people don’t think of as being annoying is a loud computer mouse. Cut down on the added stress by investing in a compact wireless mouse that is silent. You will no longer have to deal with the loud clicking while working and won’t be distracting anyone you happen to be in voice or video chat with. 

Keep Your Desk Clean While You Munch With A Lazy Snack Bowl

You may find yourself in the middle of a lot of work and can’t find the time to take a break from your desk much less pop in the kitchen to fix up a quick lunch. Keeping your energy up is important though if you want to complete your work on time and have more free time to spend with loved ones. Keeping a healthy snack on hand at your desk will prove to be a lifesaver. While you are crunching for time, you can be munching for health! These amazing snack bowls are perfect for keeping on your desk. You can keep nuts, seeds, and other healthy snacks right at arm's reach. The top portion even doubles as a phone stand for added convenience.

One thing we can all agree on is that time is precious and we need to optimize our time spent on work so we can have more free time for friends, family, and loved ones. This is why we at Hopeful Gadgets strive to find and bring you the best gadgets for making sure your precious time is spent right. Saving time for doing the things you enjoy with the people you love makes life less stressful.


  • I started working from home in October. It was a completely new experience for me and I was not prepared for it. I am still struggling. Have a house full here, kids pets, ect. So it has not been easy. These are some great suggestions though, ones I would not have thought of. I am going to get a wireless keyboard now actually. I have to be able to move around more to stop my lower back pain.

    Ken M.
  • These tips actually work for those of us who have been stuck home doing school work. I started college in 2020 and it has been a struggle for me to stay on top of things. It seems like we go from being on campus to being stuck at home every few months at this point. We are once again on another stay-home order and won’t be going back until the end of January.

    Greg Watson

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